About our 3D printed products

3D printed materials are becoming more common. However, many people don't know a lot about them. Here's some information to keep in mind to help guide your purchase.

**1. Unique Characteristics:** 3D printed merchandise is created using advanced technology, resulting in unique characteristics and variations in each product. No two items will be exactly alike. There will be visible layer lines and can even be imperfections in each item.

**2. Material Variations:** Due to the use of various 3D printing materials, there may be variations in color, texture, and finish. Please be aware that the appearance of the product may differ from what is depicted in images.

**3. Durability:** 3D printed items may have different durability levels based on the material used. Some items may be more fragile or less resilient compared to traditionally manufactured products.

**4. Safety:** Exercise caution and handle 3D printed items with care. Some products may have sharp edges or small parts that can pose a safety risk, especially for children.

**5. Environmental Impact:** We are committed to minimizing our environmental impact, but 3D printing does consume energy and materials. We encourage responsible consumption and recycling when possible.

**By purchasing 3D printed merchandise from us, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions of this disclaimer. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our customer support team.**